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Greater insights, better decisions


Divide into modules,
and conquer them.

Every need is unique. Comptify engineers have made ready reusable building blocks in the form of data models and software modules to fill your analytical as well as operational gaps to advance the HR value added in your company.


Being the new oil of today, data contains universal value to businesses and individuals. Data drain is irreversible and would jeopardize company’s competitive edge in the big data world.


To start the accumulation early, our built-in modules could help you to collect and channel data through various sources, yet not increasing your operation burden!



One usual setback of HR analytics is the tremendous efforts required to cleanse raw data and consolidate different datasets into a general schema prior to analysis.


Our tools assist to integrate and harmonize cluttered data – From system-generated templates to manually-maintained spreadsheets on clicks.




To keep track of organizational fitness, companies should closely monitor every movement and signal brought along by a basket of HR metrics.


Our team could help you to select and design multi-dimensional indicators and embed them into mini system which is easy to manage and maintain in an ongoing basis.



HR is migrating towards advanced analytics by observing on repeatable patterns and predicting the occurrence of specific HR-related events or risk factors under given scenarios and assumptions.


From hypothesis to modelling, we could assist in tailoring predictive analytics according to the availability of datasets in your company.


Regular report preparation is deemed to be an inescapable pain for HR to perform mundane copy-and-paste, calculation, and error-checking in repetitive manner.


Our reporting modules could effectively automate the process from raw data to final reports, saving you and your team time to focus on creating real value to the company.




A static and rigid report could rarely satisfy the data appetite of management because business is ever-changing. 


Our team produces custom-made dashboards which allow flexible switching of data criteria via filtering and segmentation to generate snap analysis in the blink of an eye.



Comptify Analytics was founded in 2017 and is a new-generation consulting firm, specializing in C&B and human capital management for Asia Pacific.


We render a wide range of services, including Consulting Projects and Data & Insights, with reengineering of the traditional processes, aiming at reshaping and upgrading the professional space through HRTech – Advanced analytics and automation technology.

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