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China | Hong Kong | Singapore


Comptify Analytics provides comprehensive survey on mobility practices for different cohorts of expatriates in the top host locations in Asia, including China, Hong Kong and Singapore.


This survey aims at presenting the latest trends for the purpose of designing and reviewing expatriate packages, namely local, local-plus and full, in great detail. Join now to get the data and insights!


Host Location

  • China

  • Hong Kong

  • Singapore


  • Organization Head

  • Function Head

  • Middle Manager

  • Professional

Expatriate Type

  • Local-Hire

  • Regional Assignee

  • International Assignee

Package Type

  • Local

  • Local-Plus

  • Full

Anchor 1

Survey Item

1. Relocation Program

  • Headcount Trend

  • Nationality Trend

  • Rationales for Relocation

  • Internal Application

  • Length of Relocation

2. Compensation

  • Principal for Base Salary

  • Merit Increase Reference 

  • Payroll Payment Location

  • Payroll Currency

  • Currency Protection

  • Tax Handling

  • Tax Return Assistance

3. Housing

  • Housing Allowance

  • Reimbursement Limit

  • Floor Size / No. of Bedroom

  • Neighbourhood

  • Utilities Coverage

4. Children Education

  • Reimbursement Limit

  • Number of Children

  • Education Stage

  • School Fees Coverage

5. Car

  • Car Allowance

  • Car Provision

  • Driver Provision

  • Running Costs Coverage

6. Medical

  • Outpatient

  • Inpatient

  • Dental

  • Vision

  • Dependents Coverage

7. Other Allowance

  • Cost-of-Living Allowance

  • Hardship / Mobility Allowance

  • Transportation Allowance

  • Settling-In Allowance

  • All-In Allowance

8. Other Benefits

  • Life Insurance

  • Pension

  • Home Trip

  • House Searching Support

  • Annual Leave

9. Localization

  • Localization Schedule

  • Items to be Localized

  • Pace of Items Reduction

Survey Fee

Early-Bird Rate: USD 1,200​ each location

(Original Rate: USD 1,500 each location)

Survey Timeline

  • Submission Deadline: August 31

  • Result Release: October

Anchor 2

For enquiry, please email to us via

Comptify Analytics was founded in 2017 and is a new-generation consulting firm, specializing in C&B and human capital management for Asia Pacific.

We render a wide range of services, including Consulting Projects and Data & Insights, with reengineering of the traditional processes, aiming at reshaping and upgrading the professional space through HRTech – Advanced analytics and automation technology.

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